Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Comtemplating Simple Blessings in Secret Coded Messages....

Sometimes Blessings come in Secret Coded Messages from God.

Matthew (our 10 yr Old) signed up for Band this year at school and needed a Snare drum. Michelle and I had discussed our youngest noise-maker’s predicament. How could he carry his Backpack and now full size snare drum together being a smaller guy? Now Matthew is a "Giant" in heart but small in body but he is growing daily.

I found a Snare drum for sale on craigslist. It was a Pearl Piccolo Snare with stand and a quiet pad (Hallelujah!!) and I was able to purchase it quite reasonably, a blessing in itself. We didn't tell Matthew we had bought it and he was quite surprised when I set it up and he got to play on it. THANK GOD for the quiet pad :)

As we were eating Dinner I looked over at the little piccolo snare set up on its stand and felt the gentle voice of God speak to me. He told me that he even cared about the "small" things in our life and I felt a stirring in my heart. I realized the snare we had bought being a "piccolo" was smaller and much lighter than a regular snare drum. It was something Matthew could carry and be more comfortable doing so. Wow!! God cared so much for us he even directs small blessings our way. He seems to build our faith many times blessing by blessing.

There are so many ways to look for God working on our behalf that sometimes we miss thanking Him for the smallest of blessings. Sometimes it’s the little things that somehow show up or work out, all because we serve a great big God. Sure, there are great blessings that sometimes take our breath away and we stand awestruck at the handiwork of God and then there are smaller blessings that we may overlook many times.

Sometimes the Blessing comes in the form of kind or direct word from a friend or associate. Sometimes the Blessing comes from our family, our Parents or our kids. Sometimes Blessings come in ways that are above our comprehension and we don't understand them, but they are there. Many times a Blessing come disguised as a trial or trouble and we don't see the how or the why, but when we come out of the trial or the storm we can realize that the situation was actually a blessing from the Lord.

Blessings from God can come in many sizes or shapes. Just recognizing them can be all it takes for us to know that God is watching over us and is working in our lives.

I spoke with a Friend yesterday who had a precious person in her life who was dying. She had received the call and was told by her friend that she had been diagnosed with stage four cancer. With nobody to turn to and being separated by hundreds of miles, this woman, in the last stages of her life, reached out to a friend who in the past had been a great blessing to her and would be a great blessing now just by hearing her voice bringing comfort to her soul.

I don't understand at times why we go thru the things in life we do, but I do know that many times I have come out of a storm only to realize that God had brought a great blessing to my life by allowing me to go through it. And when I do come to the final stage of my life, I want to recognize not only the greatest blessings God has bestowed on me but the small ones to.

And before I put my ear-muffs on, every time I hear the little pat-a-tat on that snare drum I will thank God for blessing me just one more time.

Be Encouraged....


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