Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How Important are Sunsets in Your Life?

Last night after coming home from work and doing some things around the trailer I realized that life can slow down a bit, even here in California.

The sun was setting a landscape of color against the backdrop of a mountain near us and we watched as God's handiwork set the canvas for us to just ooh and awe over the beauty of his artistic majesty as the colors were splashed against the fading evening light. It made me think of how many sunsets I had probably missed of late because I was to busy to realize the importance of sunsets.

Have you ever got caught up doing so much that you miss the sunsets and the days begin to blur. I was talking with a person yesterday and their life was so jam packed with business that they didn't even know what day it was.

Spouse, Kids, Church, Work, Breakfasts, Lunches, Work, Dinners, Sports, Work, Grocery Store, Work, Lawn Care, Automotive care, if something doesn't go wrong just wait: It will...

There is so much “stuff” in our lives that our vision becomes clouded. Our future seems light years away and it’s dimmed by the dust of life so much so we can't see past our problems and they become a cycle of disappointment that rule our lives until we implode and wind up losing everything. All of this resulting from lost time and missing the sunsets in our lives.

There were two sisters, Martha and Mary, who had a very important person coming to dinner. The older sister, Martha, knew they would do well and worked hard to make sure their guest would be taken care of so he could be comfortable while in their home. Martha was a nervous wreck, because this person was extremely well known and there would be probably be other guests coming as well and she wanted everything to be perfect. She knew that if she didn’t work there would folks who would talk and say, “Don’t go to Martha’s house”. She probably worked her fingers to the bone and made sure all those around her were working too.

If you have guests coming over to your house you know what I mean. Every nook and cranny must be cleaned because you want your guests to be comfortable and know that your place is clean and well kept. So Martha worked very hard and made those around her work hard too. When the guest arrived Martha kept right on working. When the guest sat down and was served dinner Martha kept right on working. When the guest was talking during dinner Martha kept right on working. When the guest was served dessert and really begin to relax, Martha kept right on working. Then the guest probably stretched his legs and sat back in his chair satisfied ready to talk some more and yes, Martha kept right on working only this time she began to realize that she was doing everything and nobody was actually helping her. She was cooking, serving, cleaning and moving doing everything alone but where was her Sister?
She went to look for her younger sister and found her sitting with the guest while Martha had kept working. She began to get angry and upset. Here she was doing everything while her sister sat and relaxed with the guest. She begins to bristle and call her sister but her calls were ignored until finally she imploded with anger and lashed out at her guest. "I am doing everything and receiving nothing! Don’t' you even care that my sister is not helping me?"

Jesus looked at her and simply said with love, "Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it's the main course, and won't be taken from her"

I like to call this the Martha Principle. We work so much that we become overworked and we miss the "Main Courses" that would bring fulfillment our Lives. We get angry because those around us aren't as motivated as we are. We get upset that we are working so much. We don't get to enjoy the benefits like the others are and instead of leading and making decisions in our Life we begin allow our “work” to dictate and make those for us.

We get burned out because we never realized the sunset was so beautiful. We never made time to watch the colors of the sky as God paints the canvas to remind us that there are more "important things" in this life than our “work”. Our fulfillment becomes misplaced because we missed the real “Main Course” of what God wanted to give us and we are so busy working we ignore the Guest in our home.

I encourage you tonight take some time to watch the sun set and appreciate colors of the sky. Recognize tonight that God is important and time with him is well spent. Recognize tonight that your children are miniature sunsets in your life and spend some time with them before they go down for the evening. Recognize tonight that your spouse is a sunset in your life laying down together and communicating life with one another and get the rest your soul desires.

Remember the "Martha Principle" and realize that work will always be there but time well spent watching your sunsets will be remembered the rest of your life.

Be Encouraged...


1 comment:

Chris Lombardo said...

Great stuff my friend. Let's go fishin' and watch the sunset with our kids by our side.